Double R Deja multigen Shepadoodle


Dog Info

Breed: Available Adults
Date Available:NOW!! NOW!!

About Double R Deja multigen Shepadoodle

Deja is 24 inches tall and 55 pounds! Her color is vibrant and really resembles the Cafe Au Lait derived from the poodle. This cream, chocolate, and apricot mix with a brown nose is truly unique for this one of a kind lady!  Deja has a sweet temperament, a very affectionate side, and has been known to alert at strangers in the yard, but is quick to accept them once they introduce themselves. These Shepadoodles are intelligent, loyal, easily trained, and beautiful, low to non shedding hypoallergenic dogs suitable for so many facets of service or home. Deja sticks to our side like glue and was born 4/21/16. Deja has been retired for the last 2 years but is transitioning into her older years. These years would be best spent as someones house dog. She has some rather small bumps under her skin and from what I have always been told it is just something older dogs get from fatty deposits. She is still as playful as a puppy! 🙂

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Deja is 24 inches tall and 55 pounds! Her color is vibrant and really resembles the Cafe Au Lait derived from the poodle. This cream, chocolate, and apricot mix with a brown nose is truly unique for this one of a kind lady!  Deja has a sweet temperament, a very affectionate side, and has been known to alert at strangers in the yard, but is quick to accept them once they introduce themselves. These Shepadoodles are intelligent, loyal, easily trained, and beautiful, low to non shedding hypoallergenic dogs suitable for so many facets of service or home. Deja sticks to our side like glue and was born 4/21/16. Deja has been retired for the last 2 years but is transitioning into her older years. These years would be best spent as someones house dog. She has some rather small bumps under her skin and from what I have always been told it is just something older dogs get from fatty deposits. She is still as playful as a puppy! 🙂

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